Bigger Loop

The Bigger Loop covers a large section of Watopia, including the Epic KOM and Jungle Circuit, combining flats and sustained climbs. It’s a tour of Watopia’s best scenery, with plenty of tough elevation changes to keep riders honest.


The Epic KOM is the main challenge, where climbers will try to drop others. Rouleurs can chase on the flats but may struggle on the longer climbs. The race favors climbers who can push a strong tempo over the KOM, with a solid sprint or final push on the flats essential for a win.


    Longer stretches with road surface that are not asphalt (dirt, gravel) are shown with different colours under the profile x-axis. Please note that different start pen positions will yield different distances to route features.

    Yes, these route texts are AI generated and not quite accurate yet. But here is a hand-crafted calculator to estimate the time needed to complete this route:
    Constant Power
    Optimized Pace

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