Here are some plans and ideas to add articles and features to the tools on this site. Please feel free to add suggestions or priorities in the comments.
Route pages
- Complete the route pages for Watopia
- Add routes in Makuri
- Add other Zwift routes
- Add an option to the route time calculator to vary power along the route and optimize pacing
- Add more Zwift bikes and wheelsets? So far I only added a small selection which for me is enough to chose the right compromise between aero and weight.
Calculation tools
- Modify CdA estimation to account for rider size (height+weight) for IRL speed/power calculation
- Add option to compare different inputs such as power or bike position
- Add cookies to let user store their last setting of rider height, weight, power etc. Is this useful?
- Basic explanation of influence of aerodynamics, weight, rolling resistance on speed
- How much speed is a weight reduction of 1 kg worth?
- Comparison of different bike types / postions on aerodynamics
- Are aerodynamics significant when climbing?
- How to pace for optimal speed on varying / rolling courses
- How to ride in a fast paceline / team time trial
- How much energy does drafting actually save?
- How do Zwift physics compare to the real world
- Are wider tyres faster?
- …